While I am a native Texan, I have lived on both costs. And while both Los Angeles and New York have reputations as having shopping mad residents, I can tell you they have absolutely nothing on Houston. In 2010, Forbes Magazine ranked the 25 best American cities for shopping using various criteria, and Houston topped the list over Dallas (#2), Chicago (#15), Los Angeles (#16), New York (#22), and San Francisco (#25).
Since moving to the Houston area in 2009, I made an effort to learn all the city's retail secrets. In a city as economically and culturally diverse as Houston, I knew the Galleria was not the ONLY place to shop in the city. This series will mirror my shopping journeys, starting in the Loop (for those non-Houstonians reading, that is the 610 Loop) with places like Tootsies, More Than You Can Imagine, My Flaming Heart, the Texas Junk Co., The Guild Shop, and High Fashion Home, and moving on out to take in areas like the Galleria, and then places farther flung like The Woodlands, Montgomery, Seabrook, and Galveston. If it is located in the metro area, it is fair game. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, there will be a new post regarding different shopping venues. First up tomorrow will be an in-depth look at Tootsies
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